
Microsoft Licensing



The UK's leading specialist

Quantum Gate has more than 30 years of experience. Over 150 members of our staff are qualified Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP) and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialists, all dedicated to designing and providing licensing solutions for organizations. With our in-depth knowledge and service capabilities, we can help you to adopt and deploy the Microsoft technologies that you purchase.

Microsoft licensing models are designed to provide customers with flexibility and options to fit all business needs and budgets. But this diversity can catch you out in costly ways.

Simplify and optimize licensing

Quantum Gate Intelligent Licensing for Microsoft Cloud can help you to build the hybrid IT you need to thrive. Applying the right licensing options will benefit you in a number of ways:


Ability to migrate current workloads to modern environments such as Public or Hybrid cloud

 Create innovative business services aligned to user requirements

Choose flexible payment plans

 Remove costs & risk for your current operation


Improve agility of IT to respond to business needs


Microsoft MPSA

Make Volume Licensing easier

The Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA) is a transactional licensing agreement for commercial, government and academic organizations that have 250 or more users or devices.

MPSA works best for organizations with no organization-wide commitment under a single, non-expiring agreement that want to license Microsoft on-premises software, cloud services or both. 
